Sunday, April 25, 2010

I hate rummage sales

But it's a good way to purge. Nancy and I are going to have one in the next month and I am dreading it. I just love the folks who dicker over a 25 cent item...just give me a quarter you cheap skate. Ah well. Since it was a rainy day in this neck of the woods we started organizing and packing up stuff. We're going to tackle the kitchen tomorrow. Nancy has some Fiestaware casseroles, platters and large mugs from her wedding shower that have been in boxes for 10 years that we're going to put in the cupboards and use. But she's going to sell the place settings since we are already using the ones I bought. And I think I'm going to sell my cups and saucers. Some of them are going for big bucks since the color is retired or discontinued. I'm hoping to make some money to pay for the i-phone and a new bike.

Let's get to the next rule...
RULE 47: Eat when you are hungry, not when you are bored.
I am so guilty of this and probably is the biggest reason I weigh what I do! I am trying to follow this old wives tale "if you're not hungry enough to eat an apple, then you're not hungry" ...but I usually DO eat the apple and it really helps keep me in check when I really am hungry. I'm outgrowing the bored eating with the help of facebook as I try not to eat while surfing LOL. Yeah, that's my excuse for my facebook addiction.

that's about it for today ... ciao.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No eating while surfing? Oops. Hang on a sec while I brush the crumbs off the keyboard <<<<< guilty!