Thursday, April 22, 2010

Every day should be Earth day!

With everyone asking each other "What are you doing for Earth Day?" I thought, nothing special, as I do things every day. I compost, recycle, use my own bags while shopping and am trying to eat somewhat locally. But the eating locally is pretty much impossible during the winter months where I live. And while some of my friends call me "crunchy" I am not nearly as crunchy as I would like to be. Living where I live I have limited options. Our health food stores are mediocre as is the farmers market. I'm doing little things that I feel help our planet and my health. When I made my salad this afternoon I realized I buy too much packaged veg so I'll try to buy more from the bulk bins (if available). Speaking of salads I finally found one that I LOVE! FINALLY...I'm not super happy that it has a good amount of ingredients, but it has 70 calories, 6 grams of fat and only 1 gram of sugar! AND NO HFCS or artificial sweeteners. Delish! Oh, and I used just on a garden type salad. I did not make a "Caesar" salad...I go against the grain ... LOL ... I'm still looking for a homemade dressing that I love so if you have one please post it.

mmmm ... doesn't it look delish?

Enough about me ... today would be a good day to check out the DVD Food Inc. It's running on some PBS stations this week or you could stream it to your pc from Netflix. Here's a companion video from the flimmaker. That site has some pretty good links to check out also.

on to today's rule...
RULE 46: Stop eating before you're full.
Sometimes that's easier said than done. At restaurants for instance, people sometimes feel guilty when they don't finish their plate. Not me! As Martha would say "they're a good thing" the next day's lunch for example. Saves you money too as you won't have to spend dollars tomorrow.

Well I need to get my bread out of the oven .... ciao!

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