Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter Eve!

Drats missed another monkeying around so I'll get to the rules quickly.

RULE 38: Favor the kinds of oils and grains that have been traditionally been stone-ground.
The newer types of oils extracted by modern "chemical" means do not have the the same nutrients that older stone ground oils had, plus they have additives that older oils don't. When grindstones were used to refine oil and flour more of the germ and fiber remain. White flour cannot be made from stone-grinding. Stone-ground grains have more B vitamins. So for your health choose whole grain, stone ground foods and oils like olive, sesame and peanut!

The next rule is perfect for this weekend...
RULE 39: Eat all the junk food you want as long as you cook it yourself.
There is nothing wrong with eating a few sweets, pastries fried foods, or even drinking a soda every once in a while. But they shouldn't be eaten daily. Chances are you won't be eating fries or donuts if you had to make them yourself each day! Make good choices so you can enjoy treats when you get the urge.

off to enjoy this beautiful day! CIAO!

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