Monday, March 1, 2010

It's March already?

How in the heck did that happen? Jan and Feb flew by! I had a great weekend relaxing and eating clean! Eating clean doesn't mean starving or wanting anything. For instance, yesterday for breakfast I had 2 slices of my 5 minute wheat bread with butter and a banana, I had a bowl of mixed fruit for lunch as I wasn't very hungry, but around an hour or so later I had a handful of almonds and for dinner I had turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy and roasted cauliflower and broccoli. While watching tv I made a cup of hot cocoa from low fat milk, cocoa powder and stevia. Cutting out processed foods and sugars has really kept my appetite and cravings under control. It's crazy how much I feel I am eating and still losing weight and feeling better. Who knew?

Well onto the rule of the day:
RULE 9: Avoid food products with the wordoid "lite" or the terms "low-fat" or "nonfat" in their names.
There has been a forty year old campaign to create low and non-fat versions of foods and it has been a failure! We have gotten fatter on these types of products!!!!!!! The reason is because when fats are removed from the foods they are replaced with carbohydrates, sugars and salt to boost the flavor. Since the low-fat campaign began Americans have been eating more than 500 additional calories a day!!! Mostly refined carbs! The average male is 17 lbs heavier and the average female is 19 lbs heavier than in the late 1970's. We are better off eating the real thing in moderation rather than bingeing on low fat items filled with sugar and salt! So go ahead and eat REAL TASTY FOOD, just not too much! LOL

ciao for today....see you tomorrow!

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