Friday, March 5, 2010

Happy Fish Fry Fryday!

Sound familiar? Yeah, I used that title as a facebook post today too....I went off clean eating to eat at Oasis. We have been having fish there since I was a wee tot and it is still my favorite place for perch. MMMMM DELISH. It was worth going off plan!

RULE 13: Eat only foods that will eventually rot.
Food processing extends the shelf life of food from fungi, bacteria, incects and rodents. We compete with them for the nutrients. The processing makes food less appealing to these organisms. By heavily processing food they remove nutrients that attract these competitors, or that would turn food rancid, like omega3 fatty acids that also attracts them. The more processed the food is the longer the shelf life and the less nutritious it is. REAL FOOD IS ALIVE and therefor it should eventually die. There are of course a few exceptions, such as honey which has a shelf life measured in centuries! Remember to shop the outside aisles for real food!

See you tomorrow! CIAO

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