Ok that is a quick update on me....and now on to the future. I try not to set resolutions for the new year as it's futile. But after this last year of health issues I have decided it's time to get on the band wagon and get my booty going and get healthy. I need to lose weight and get some energy. I think the way to do that is to change the way I think of food. I've been doing a lot of research. Reading "In Defense of food-an eaters manifesto" by Michael Pollan has changed the way I grocery shop. It is more expensive but I think it will be worth it. The main idea of the book is "EAT FOOD. NOT TOO MUCH. MOSTLY PLANTS." That's what I've taken to heart. I shop the outside of the grocery store and read labels of everything that goes in my cart. If it has high fructose corn syrup in it it is left on the shelf. I knew a little about HFCS but didn't know why it is so bad AND addicting. Just try to go for a day reading labels and cutting out HFCS and other sugar and you will be squirming by the end of the day! It does take time to wean yourself from this poison. The way it metabolizes in the liver is frightening.....AND after watching
Food, inc

it's frightening how much the government has it's paws in our food supply and dictates what we eat. So much of what we consume has corn of some type in it that never did previous to the last 40 years.
I'll step off my soap box shortly .... but if you too want to get healthier and take steps to a better world check out King Corn and Food, Inc on dvd and Michael Pollans books. The dvd's can be had from the library, netflix or amazon. I got the books from amazon as I wanted to keep them rather that return them to the library.
Oh wait....one more thing....another of Michael Pollans books is FOOD RULES, AN EATERS MANUAL a small, cheap book with rules to live by... there are 64 rules split among three parts based on his principles:
What should I eat? (eat food)
What kind of food should I eat? (mostly plants)
How should I eat? (not too much)
I will post one rule a day...maybe two as some are really simple and need no explanation.
RULE NUMBER ONE: EAT FOOD....that means real food, not processed crap in boxes that last years on the shelf! He calls processed foods manufactured by "food scientests" edible foodlike substances as they aren't really "food"
So there you have it....are you bored yet? Too bad! LOL You haven't heard ANYTHING yet...that's just the tip of the iceberg!
ciao for now
1 comment:
~~~waving back~~~ :)
Yes, I missed you! Good to see you and even better to see you taking proper care of yourself. *luv*
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