Saturday, March 21, 2009

ohhhh Twilight

um....nope I won't be one to buy the dvd....for one thing I don't buy dvds since I never watch movies over and over...BUT this is one that I wouldn't buy even if I was a dvd buying fool...I really really really liked the books, but the movie was pretty lame. All that fake sexy staring. I thought it was badly acted and was, well, corny. My friend and I were actually laughing at a few parts in the movie theater. Well, giggling is more like it LOL.
I know a lot of people looovvvveeedd it, but me and my buds just didn't.
Oh, and don't get me started on "how sexy Edwards is" BLECH! This message board post from someone else sums up how I felt about Edward.... "Edward wasn't even the slightest bit sexy. I would say his "staring" was more creepy/constipated looking then sexy." LOL
Now if you loved the movie, great, drop into Tarjhay and pick up a copy, stimulate the econony. Me, I spent all my spare dough at the gourmet markets down state this week LOL


Jeanne said...

Oohh the markets sound interesting. Did you bring your camera Jayne? I'm with you, not one to rewatch movies over and over with a very few exceptions.

Theresa said...

I'm beginning to think I am the only person who hasn't read the books, but from that review I'll absolutely not waste my time on the film. Gourmet markets take my vote as well!

joni said...

My thoughts exactly on buying DVDs...I have yet to see the movie, but I will watch it on Demand for $3.99 or so! My dd read the books, loved them...but hated the movie; thought it was way corny and her and her friends were gigglers too! Hey, where'd you go shopping? Anyplace good...I need to know these things! LOL

Tina said...

So your saying I should read the book and skip the movie? LOL

Suzanna said...
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Suzanna said...
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